Violin and Swimming 5-7-2012

Today at violin lesson we all finally admitted that O6 is ready to move up to the next size violin.  She currently has a 1/10th and it is simply too small.  Her little fingers smoosh together so tightly to play the notes, and her wrist has to curl in much further than it should to place them properly.  Fortunately, we found a 1/8th without too much trouble and even managed to pick it up this afternoon.  I hope she is able to get comfortable with it before Suzuki camp in June.

In her lesson, O6 worked on her Lightly Row piece for camp and also did some sight reading in the fiddle book.  She likes playing Bile Them Cabbage Down and might play it at the fiddle competition during camp, if she gets her nerve up.  S8 worked on Allegro, also started Andantino, and played Old Joe Clark from the fiddle book.

At swimming, S8 went first and worked on “25s”.  The pool is 25 yards long, so one length of the pool is “a 25”.  Julie taught her some swim team lingo: give me a 25 of backstroke and a 25 of breast stroke means go to one end of the pool using backstroke, then come back using breast stroke.  S8 is doing those strokes very well, just needs fine-tuning.

O6 went next and also worked on backstroke, then Julie had her work on her whip kick.  It’s gotten off kilter somehow, so they spent a bit of time re-learning it.

We signed up for summer lessons at Barb’s house and are looking forward to starting those right after we come back from Suzuki camp and my cousin’s wedding.
